META Miami presents:

AVE Doñana

artistic residencies, exhibitions, educational activities, art and science.

This initiative seeks to disseminate, through art, the importance of the Doñana National Park within the framework of the 60th anniversary of the Doñana Biological Station and the 30 years since its declaration as a World Heritage Site.

The Project

Conceived over a three-year period, it has the collaboration of the Doñana Biological Station and the Foundation for Biodiversity. Its curatorial concept includes an artistic residency in the Doñana reserve for a contemporary artist, intending to allow him or her to experience first-hand the biodiversity and ecosystems of Doñana, subsequently communicating his or her experience through a creative process and disseminating it in the international artistic sphere.

Christian Vinck, Viendo la Respiración de la Tierra, 2024, 81 x 97cm

The exhibition includes outreach activities to integrate art and nature through discussions, film series, and educational activities that foster awareness, sensitivity, and knowledge about the importance of wetlands.

The first exhibition of the project:

Viaje de Ida y Vuelta,

Jorge Camacho+Christhian Vinck

The exhibition will show a dialogue between the two artists, who will speak about biodiversity, the route of migratory birds, and the wetland as an ecosystem. It will take place from October 17, 2024, to February 12, 2025, at Patio de Banderas 16, the headquarters of the Biodiversity Foundation in Seville, with the support of the Estación Biológica Doñana-CSIC.

Jorge Camacho, El desierto – Le desert Homenaje a Torgia. Año/ 1980. Técnica/ óleo sobre tela. Medidas/ 130 x 200 cm

The project arises from the decades-long work carried out by the Maldonado family to protect territories in Venezuela with the advice of the Doñana Biological Station—CSIC.

The Maldonado family's connection with the Doñana Biological Station dates back to 1973 when the first steps were taken to create the Biological Station in Venezuela at Hato el Frío. The El Frío Biological Station became a reference point for artists, including film, photography and painting professionals, who captured the beauty of the region's wild nature in their works, thus contributing to making this environment known to the world.

Documentos Históricos


Doñana y la literatura: Juan Villa, JJ Díaz Trillo y Jorge Molina.

Fundación Doñana 21. Sevilla, 7 de noviembre de 2024.
As part of the project AveDoñana, and alongside the current exhibition "Jorge Camacho y Christian Vinck: Viaje de ida y vuelta, los artistas con Doñana", this talk dwells on the relationship between Doñana and literature. Presented byBernabea Jimena Ramírez de Fundación Doñana 21, Consejería de Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente (Junta de Anadalucía). During the event, Juan Villa developed a brief survey of the 20 most important novels written about Doñana, some of which were written before the start of the twentieth century. Jorge Molina focused on poetry, reciting fragments as well as making reference to Jorge Camacho´s interest in poetry and the importance of metaphor as a form of expression. Finally, JJ Díaz Trillo shared with us his knowledge of documentary writing, including the pioneering work of the British ornitologist Guy Mountfort

Como parte del proyecto AveDoñana y en el marco de la exposición a "Jorge Camacho y Christian Vinck: Viaje de ida y vuelta, los artistas con Doñana", se llevó a cabo el conversatorio sobre Doñana y la literatura, presentado por Bernabea Jimena Ramírez de Fundación Doñana 21, Consejería de Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente (Junta de Anadalucía). El evento contó con la participación de Juan Villa quien centró su aportación sobre el género de ficción acerca de Doñana, haciendo un breve recorrido por las 20 novelas más importantes. Jorge Molina habló de poesía, recitó varios fragmentos e hizo referencia a Jorge Camacho y la importancia que él concedía a la poesía y la metáfora como método de expresión. JJ Díaz Trillo, por su parte, habló de documentales incluyendo el del ornitólogo inglés Guy Mountfort.

NO-DO. La Primavera en Doñana. Presenta: Eloy Revilla. Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC).

Sevilla, 22 de noviembre de 2024.
"NO-DO La Primavera en Doñana" produced by Álvaro Lion Depetre in 1970 was the first documentary of its kind, in seeking to present to the wider public scientific notions that reflected the richness of Doñana as a natural, biodiverse space. The event was presented by Mª del Carmen Rodríguez Oliva de Cine Club Vida and Eloy Revilla, current director of Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC) a public research institute dedicated to the study of Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of Biodiversity. He offered the public an overview of the historical context of the documentary, and after the screening answered the questions and comments of those present.

El documental "NO-DO La Primavera en Doñana" creado a manos de Álvaro Lion Depetre en 1970, fue el primero de su clase que tiene como meta divulgar a un público amplio información de índole científica que refleje la riqueza de Doñana como espacio natural. El documental fue presentado por Mª del Carmen Rodríguez Oliva de Cine Club Vida, y Eloy Revilla, actual director de la Estación Biológica (EBD-CSIC), un instituto de investigación dedicado al estudio de la ecología, la evolución y la conservación de la biodiversidad. Eloy Revilla puso en contexto la historia del documental, y tras su visualización, respondió las dudas y preguntas del público.

Doñana y la residencia artística con Christian Vinck, Celsi Señaris, Jose Manuel Vidal y Carmen Díaz.

Fundación Doñana 21. Sevilla, 5 de diciembre de 2024.
The Project AVE Doñana includes as part of its curatorial concept an artistic residence within the National Park, for a contemporary artist to experience biodiversity and ecosystems in Doñana. The artist Christian Vinck came to shed light on his experience as artist in residence this year. This stay led to the works currently exhibited and is yet another component of the project AVEDoñana, in order to give access to selected artists to the heart of Doñana. At the time, Vinck was guided by a group of scientific researchers, and three of these participated in the talk as well.

They discussed the differences, but also similarities, that scientific and artistic methods of research presented. Some of these photographs were translated to oil paintings, whereas others were discarded, and Vinck detailed to us this selection process.

El proyecto AVEDoñana, incluye dentro de su concepto curatorial una residencia artística en la reserva Doñana, para un artista contemporáneo, con el objetivo de que pueda experimentar de primera mano la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas de Doñana. El artista Christian Vinck relató su experiencia sobre la realización de su residencia artística en Doñana junto con los biólogos que lo acompañaron. La tertulia refirió sobre el diálogo entre la ciencia y el arte, las similitudes y diferencias de los métodos de investigación científicos con respecto a los artísticos. Vinck nos mostró su archivo fotográfico, a partir del cual nacieron varios de sus óleos, así como aquellas instantáneas que no llegaron a utilizarse.
