* BODY Vodka: Crafted Caipiroskas - @drinkbody
BODY is the first low-proof vodka with a light, clean taste, and velvety mouthfeel. BODY is 25% less alcohol than standard 80-proof vodka. BODY is 10x distilled from non-GMO Indiana corn and a touch of organic agave nectar.
* CASA 11: Mexican Kitchen - IG: @casa11kitchen_
* What A Cake: Brazilian-owned desserts - IG: @whatacake_miami
* Carlos Valderrama: Bespoke handmade hats - IG: @valdycreates
* Rafael Barrios: Original design woodwork - IG: @onerafaelbarrios
* Maria Cristina Carbonell: Original prints - IG: @mariacristinacarbonell / www.mariacristinacarbonell.com
* Fabi-Creations: Suceulent arrangements - IG: @fabicreations
* Kevin Kalik: Custom airbrushed wearable items and objects - www.youresickkev.com
* Bad Beadies: Hand-made jewelry and crochet - IG: @bad.beadies / @sophiemariecrotchet